Chromebook Return Event

Chromebook and Technology Return Event
Posted on 05/20/2024
Chromebook and Technology Return Event

What are the Dates and Times for the next LVS Return Event?

The date and times below is our official date of return for the students and families. We also receive students and families at other normal business hours to return their devices and accessories, including hotspots and chargers.


Students and families may visit us during normal office hours for assistance


Annual Chromebook Return Event

June 3rd and 4th, 2024 | 8am - 3:45pm

>All students are to return items<

Pay Here

Receipts are not provided for simple return of devices. Please call ahead of visiting if you feel that you have any pending fees/charges to get that exact balance. All payments may be made in either check or cash with exact change on site or via SchoolCash. There is a mobile ATM just inside the East entrance for your convenience for even amounts (in $20 increments). NOTE: For cash, please have exact change as we do not have change available (LVS normally does not have nor keep currency on the premises).
~Thank You

What is the In-Person Return Process?

LVS students are to visit the LVS offices' location at 2855 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers, FL, 33966 at the EAST entrance to return all devices to LVS. We are concluding a schoolwide inventory check/reconciliation. Please enter and go to the LVS approved area or offices. Please present the Chromebook in a clean (sanitary) and proper state with no stickers nor other adhesives... ensure that:

  • You have cleaned/sanitized the device at home prior to visiting
  • The Chromebook is clean and prepared for return
    • The device is to be clean and free from stickers/tape or any drawings
    • The device should easily show that it is working, that the screen has no cracks/errors, and that the device is in excellent working order with all parts properly in place
    • The school-issued power supply should be in the sleeve as these are to also be returned
  • We will proceed to scan the Chromebook back into our system
  • Then we will check your account for:
    • Any currently owed fines or fees for our school
    • If no fines nor fees are owed, then you are free to leave the LVS area/offices (no receipts are offered for clear accounts)
  • If there are fees/fines owed to LVS, at that time, payment should then be arranged within the main LVS office (exact cash or check or SchoolCash) - families/students will be directed to the main LVS office to clear their account

    • Fees/Fines: Lost/stolen/damaged Chromebook, lost/stolen/damaged accessories, repairs, also unreturned technology that is still in the possession of the student/family
    • Once payment is complete you will be invited to leave the area/office

Thank you for returning all devices in excellent condition

    The Chromebook Package Components

    Students typically return their assigned Chromebook Package (CBP) near or at the end of each school year; or when transferring out of LVS. The Chromebook Package (CBP) from LCSD/LVS consists of the following components:

    1. The Chromebook (laptop) device
    2. The proper A/C Power Supply (typically in 2 parts) - purchased replacement chargers are not acceptable
    3. The proper Sleeve/Case for use in transporting the device and charger

    Dell ChromebookStudents and their families who requested and were previously assigned a hotspot device for Internet service must also return the hotspot device; along with that devices' ID stickers attached on the bottom, any service ID cards, charger, and box. We no longer offer hotspotsChromebook components, hotspots, and their accessories must be in excellent working order and free from physical damage; this also includes the chargers and sleeves/boxes for each item

    Belkin Chromebook Sleeve 

    If you are missing any part of the Chromebook package (listed below) or the hotspot, then you will be assessed replacement fees for the items missing at the following rates [current costs per LCSD policies]:

    1. Chromebook: $358.40*A/C Power Supply
    2. Chromebook Power Supply: $36.00*
    3. Sleeve/Case: $17.00*
    4. (Separate) Hotspot: $85.00 (includes charger and box)*

    * - Call ahead to get your actual fee balance as these fees vary based on model.

    Mobile Hotspot in boxTo return devices, please visit us at the LVS offices via the district building's EAST entrance:

    1. Our LVS offices are located at the Lee County School District's building located at 2855 Colonial Boulevard, Fort Myers, FL 33966 at the EAST entrance for LVS.
    2. Remember that you and your family are still responsible for any of the device's' needed repairs or replacement costs; whereas applies per each student's/family's individual situation. We will provide associated costs, if known at the time of return, for missing devices and/or parts. Repairs, however, will be assessed by the district's repair location on-site and they will assess any costs associated with repairs to devices and accessories. This also includes hotspot devices, chargers for them, the box (serves as marked sleeve) and any associated items provided by the school district for student use.

    **General and normal wear and tear are NOT considered malicious nor intentional damage. Accidental damages, however, will still be charged to the student and their families on an individual basis. All fees, repair costs, replacement costs are to be resolved by the the associated student/family prior to end of school year.

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