Scanning Documents

Your school-issued Chromebook has a lot to offer its users with its features; especially with the Camera app. Now, your Chromebook webcam can do more than just take and capture photos to save and share. With it, you can transform your Chromebook into a document scanner. That means you can scan a physical document, file, or photo and save them straight to your Chromebook.

Google adds a Scan Mode feature that converts captured documents and physical files and photos from your ChromeOS webcam into a JPEG, PNG, or PDF file. That way, you can easily save the file for storage or share it with others. See below about how to enable the Scanner Feature & scan documents on the Chromebook computer Using the ChromeOS Camera App:

  • To launch the Camera app --> Click the “Circle” menu in the lower left of the Chromebooks desktop and type "camera" to search.
  • Click the icon for the “Camera” app that appears.
  • Go to the bottom row and click the Scan icon.
  • Select Document and hold up a document to and in front of the camera.
  • Be sure you see the document that you want to scan. HOLD VERY STILL!
  • Tap the Circle icon on the right side to capture and scan the document.
  • Chromebook will then save the file. All files can be saved as either photos/visual pictures or as PDF documents.
  • Normally, you would save the captured image as a PDF for documents.
  • Files will save to your My Files and either "Downloads" or "Camera" folders on your device, but you may also choose to have your files saved to your Google Drive and a folder of your choice.
  • Remember to rename your files for ease of storage and to find them quickly.
  • To view the captured scan, simply click on the small thumbnail on the bottom right of the Camera App window.

Be sure that you choose DOCUMENT and SCAN and NOT the QR Code... Document is what you want

Do NOT hold the paper document sideways... that will produce a bad scan... do NOT do this:

Hold the document UPRIGHT and NORMAL to get a good SCAN, like THIS:


Once you capture the document, then save it to the folder of your choice in Google Drive

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