Open a new window |
Ctrl + n |
Open a new window in Incognito mode |
Shift + Ctrl + n |
Open a new tab |
Ctrl + t |
Open a file in the browser |
Ctrl + o |
Close the current tab |
Ctrl + w |
Close the current window |
Shift + Ctrl + w |
Reopen the last tab or window you closed |
Shift + Ctrl + t |
Go to tabs 1-8 in the window |
Ctrl + 1 through Ctrl + 8 |
Go to the last tab in the window |
Ctrl + 9 |
Go to the next tab in the window |
Ctrl + Tab |
Go to the previous tab in the window |
Shift + Ctrl + Tab |
Switch quickly between windows |
Press & hold Alt, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release. You can also press & hold Alt, then tap Tab, and select a window with the left or right arrow keys, mouse, or touch. |
Open the window you used least recently |
Press & hold Shift + Alt, tap Tab until you get to the window you want to open, then release. |
Go to previous page in your browsing history |
Alt + Left arrow  |
Go to the next page in your browsing history |
Alt + Right arrow  |
Open the link in a new tab in the background |
Press Ctrl and click a link |
Open the link in a new tab and switch to the new tab |
Press Shift + Ctrl and click a link |
Open the link in a new window |
Press Shift and click a link |
Open the link in the tab |
Drag the link to the tab's address bar |
Open the link in a new tab |
Drag the link to a blank area on the tab strip |
Open the webpage in a new tab |
Type a web address (URL) in the address bar, then press Alt + Enter |
Return the tab to its original position |
While dragging the tab, press Esc |
Dock a window on the left |
Alt + [ (left square bracket) |
Maximize window |
Alt + = |
Minimize window |
Alt + - (minus) |
Dock a window on the right |
Alt + ] (right square bracket)
Switch windows between screens (when your Chromebook is connected to a monitor) |
Search + Alt + m